torn fredbear: He will be in the parts and service room, when he is ready to attack he will move to the left hallway and to the prize corner and then at your door, use the audio lure to push him back or else he will break down the door and jumpscare you
torn spring bonnie: He will be at your right door at all times once he gets up, close your right door or you will be jumpscared, he has three phases, one is he sits, the second is when he starts getting up and then the third is when he is ready to attack
phantom: He will appear in the cams as a shadow, she could go any where in the cams at random, once he reaches your front door she will appear as its puppet form and whenever he moves closer shine your light, once he reaches your desk he will get out from the front door to another cam
playtime fredbear: He will be in your vent system once he reaches the end of the vent if you look up you will see his head in the vent out close the vent door, this might heat up the room but he will leave fast
playtime spring bonnie: He will be in the lower vent in the vent system, turn on the heater to pushs him back but this angers him, press the flash button to flash the vents, this stuns him in one place but not pushing him back but this wont end in him being angery
puppeteer: she will appear in the puppet cove and once she moves she will make her puppet attack you covering your screen, once he gets to the front door she will be able to see for a couple of seconds but the puppet will block your view, navigate to the big button to close the front door
audio lure: for torn fredbear
right door: for torn spring bonnie and pat cat
left door: for pat cat
vent: for playtime fredbear and spring bonnie
audio lure